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How to Monitor NVIDIA License Servers

Writer's picture: Nikhil VermaNikhil Verma

1. Monitoring of http://<license server>:7070/api/1.0/health of both the Primary and Secondary license server

# Title : Python script for Monitoring NVIDIA license servers
# Author : Nikhil Verma
# Version : " v1.0"

import requests
import json

url = ' http://<license server>:7070/api/1.0/health'
data = []
data1 = []
response = requests.get(url,verify=False)
data = response.json()
data1 = data["LLS"]
if response.status_code == 200:
    print ('HTTP200Response =',"OK")
    print('version =' ,data1["version"])
    print('buildDate =' ,data1["buildDate"])
    print('buildVersion =' ,data1["buildVersion"])
    print('serverInstanceID =' ,data1["serverInstanceID"])
    print('database =' ,data1["database"])
    print('httpAuth =' ,data1["httpAuth"])
    print('licensingSecurityJSON =' ,data1["licensingSecurityJSON"])
    print('diskspace =' ,data1["diskspace"])
    print('HTTP200Response =',"error")

2. Log checking flexnetls.log on the secondary license server for the following text "Successfully completed sync from main server"

Location of logs %SystemDrive%:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\flexnetls\nvidia\logs

3. Log checking for WARN and ERROR in the flexnetls.log files as an indication of possible issues.


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